Saturday, January 03, 2009

I'm back

Sorry to the mythical people that might be following this blog.  I lost interest, as there's no evidence that anybody ever actually reads what I write here, or cares.  Except for Ed....

So please, if you actually do come by here and read a post, make a comment.  As much as I'd like to make money off this, let's take baby steps.  At least acknowledge my effort.  For now, that's close enough to money....

Or if you're an eccentric millionaire, then drop me a note, and I'll enlighten you as to how you can contribute to the Greater Good.


Anonymous said...

I especially got a kick out of:

History Snark said...

Thanks so much! I hope I can keep you entertained in the future!

Anonymous said...

I am looking at it,don't give up hope bud.I am looking for good gun articles and knives and politics.Write from your heart,write what you know.BTW,it is really hard to write a good post.It does not come by nature,at least not for me it doesn't.So I began to write a knowledge base where people will return to re-read.