Of course, they're all donating money to the Messiah's inauguration in order to do it. It now appears that the banking industry has collectively ponied up almost 4 Million bucks so these jackasses can attend the coronation of the Messiah. More money than even the legal profession and Hollywood.
I'm shocked. I thought that Wall Street was in the pocket of the Republicans (or vice versa), and that they didn't like his Obamaness. Presumably the money they gave his campaign was to accomplish something important that would harm him, because they wanted so desperately for him to lose.
Ditto for the money they gave him while he was in the Senate. The money that the media doesn't mention because it might sound a bit dicey if they inform us that, while the bankers were driving their own companies into the ground, they were donating piles of money to Democrats. Goes against the Theme, you know.
What a bunch of hypocrites. And the media is even worse. They won't mention this, anymore than they mention the other bits of hypocrisy coming from His Worshipfullness. But some of us will face the scorn of the Acolytes by pointing out that the investors going to rub shoulders with His Gloriousness might have reasons to do so.
About 700 billion reasons. And counting.